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讚美敬拜歌選 Singspiration

English Singspiration Songs

We provide a collection of Singspiration Songs which are used at our church. These songs are saved in PPT format (MS PowerPoint). Most of songs are in Taiwanese and some in Chinese and English. You are welcome to use this page to search, list and download these files.

Search songs by matching one or more following conditions
  • length of the title:
  • number of stroks of the first character:
  • number of stroks of the last character:

筆劃參考 (Reference for number of stroks)

 Search songs in Chinese Title or English Title

Search Title in Chinese English

To Match String(s) all at least one

Enter String(s), separed by comma:

Note: File name is formed with 4 numbers: L-M-N-I.ppt

L=length of the Chinese title
M=number of stroks of the first character
N=number of stroks of the last character
I=sequential index

For example: 耶穌愛你 would be named 4-8-7-1.ppt. 我的神我敬拜你 would be named 7-7-10-1.ppt (這裡的你是神,所以是十劃.)

On the next search result page. you can right-click on file name to download the file. If link is not found, that means the file is currently not available for downloading.


三劃: 上﹐大 ﹐士﹐子﹐凡
四劃: 不﹐天 ﹐心﹐父﹐王﹐中﹐火﹐水﹐去﹐手﹐友﹐切
五劃: 主﹐以﹐平﹐永﹐白﹐古 ﹐母﹐他﹐外﹐用﹐市﹐由
六劃: 充﹐向﹐至﹐全﹐有﹐在﹐年﹐如﹐好﹐名﹐羊﹐行﹐伙﹐光﹐ 老
七劃: 各﹐阿﹐我﹐改﹐把﹐你﹐坐﹐作﹐利﹐妙﹐那﹐吧﹐找﹐走﹐求﹐告﹐兒﹐安
八劃: 祂﹐和﹐耶﹐來﹐奇﹐使﹐彼﹐空﹐來﹐爸﹐雨﹐夜﹐服﹐典﹐明﹐定﹐命﹐河﹐門
九劃: 是﹐除﹐咱﹐宣﹐信﹐起﹐美﹐帝﹐星﹐陣﹐拜﹐前﹐音﹐哉﹐泉﹐架﹐亞﹐活﹐姓
十劃: ﹐真﹐恩﹐時﹐站﹐透﹐恁﹐倚﹐這﹐疼﹐神﹐造﹐家﹐氣﹐起﹐羔﹐哈
十一劃: 進﹐彩﹐著﹐冕﹐望﹐勒﹐國﹐陽﹐祭﹐救﹐頂
十二劃: 尋﹐復﹐雲﹐為﹐超﹐喔﹐落﹐華﹐喜﹐集﹐無﹐補﹐裡﹐量
十三劃: 傳﹐敬﹐感﹐愛﹐當﹐聖﹐意﹐詩﹐經﹐殿﹐話﹐意﹐督﹐新﹐義﹐頌﹐慈
十四劃: 榮﹐歌﹐滿﹐福﹐網﹐ 對
十五劃: 賜﹐靠﹐樂﹐ 慕﹐潔﹐撒﹐請
十六劃: 靜﹐邁﹐親﹐道﹐穌
十七劃: 懇﹐講﹐舉﹐聲
十九劃: 願﹐禱
二十劃: 獻﹐權﹐耀
二十四劃: 靈﹐讓


西 雅 圖 台 語 基 督 教 會
Seattle Formosan Christian Church
333 NE 76th St., Seattle, WA 98115
Tel. (206)522-8084 / Fax: (206) 522-7551
Email: info@seattlefcc.org