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宣教事工 Mission Ministry

異象 : 提供機會並幫助會友與他人分享神的愛與好消息 .

目標與事工活動計劃 :

  1. 提升會友對傳福音的使命感與興趣
  2. 鼓勵會友多參與傳福音事工
  3. 舉辦社區宣教活動及社區服務計畫 , 分享神的話語與祂的愛
  4. 鼓勵參與短宣

Vision: To empower and present opportunities to share God's love and gospel with others.

Goals & Planned Activities

  1. Raise the awareness of the importance of sharing the gospel
  2. Encourage people to increase their involvement in sharing the gospel.
  3. Conduct local outreaches and community service projects to share God's Word and His love.
  4. Encourage participation in short-term missions organized by other organizations.


Mission Ministry Support
慈善事工支持 Charity Ministry Support

西 雅 圖 台 語 基 督 教 會
Seattle Formosan Christian Church
333 NE 76th St., Seattle, WA 98115
Tel. (206)522-8084 / Fax: (206) 522-7551
Email: info@seattlefcc.org